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Old Jul 12, 2007, 12:49 PM // 12:49   #41
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Concidering all I do, all day at work, is jump on and off this website. I'm obviously on here alot more then you. I dont mean to sound bad, but I do try to keep track of what people post in any threads I take part in.
So your on this site ALL DAY, yet ave no idea when events are coming?

You've given tons of excuses and all of them can be given the answer of "If you don't know an event is coming it's no ones fault but your own"

ANet has better things to do than make sure you are paying attention.
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Old Jul 12, 2007, 01:10 PM // 13:10   #42
Furnace Stoker
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Originally Posted by Odinius
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there some event(day of the tengu maybe) where you got a message in the general chat like: "??? arrives in Shing Jae in 15 minutes" because I remember leaving parties for this event.

Any one else remembers this?
That was for a festival, not an event. And even then, if your in the heat of a fight or conversation you will miss a thing like that.

Originally Posted by Orange Milk
So your on this site ALL DAY, yet ave no idea when events are coming?

You've given tons of excuses and all of them can be given the answer of "If you don't know an event is coming it's no ones fault but your own"

ANet has better things to do than make sure you are paying attention.
Why is everyone missing one of my key points....

They dont always advertise events until they are happening, or a few days before hand.

If you make plans a week or two before its advertised, and your not around to see the the advert or message apear on login, then you miss it.

A good example is the event happening this weekend. Its only just been advertised and posted on the wiki, so anyone who made plans last week for this weekend is screwed.

Im not a mind-reader and neither is anyone else.... these events can be random, and either ever weekend of every other weekend. But if they dont tell us until a few days before, then we can miss out.

The events aren't always relivant to everyone either.

Im only interested in double faction events or drop increase events. Its been a while since we had a weekend where drop rates were increased. But should I sit in my house every weekend and never make any plans in advance incase they suddenly have one and dont advertise it till the last minute?

Its not much to ask that Anet let us know whats happening a week or 2 before hand.

And actually it is Anet's job to make us aware of these things, and if they advertising them in a less then obvious place they should move the information to a different location.

All im asking is...

1) They put events or festival adverts either on the character selection screen or ingame, just somewhere which catches your attention better then small text on the login screen.
2) They advertise them with more advance timing.

Last edited by freekedoutfish; Jul 12, 2007 at 01:14 PM // 13:14..
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Old Jul 12, 2007, 02:04 PM // 14:04   #43
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More advanced timing asks a LOT of Anet. First off, they don't always know what the event will be until shortly before it happens. Some evernts are quick and easy for them to implement (triple green weekend, double faction, etc.). Events are there to add to the game, not make the game. It is not a big deal if people miss them, as NONE of the events are required in any way to play the game effectively. Having 3 weeks notice about a 3 day event may be nice for you, so you can make sure you don't leave town or make other plans, but its not needed. Its a game, and I find it moderately sad that people would make changes to their lifestyle plans based on a games weekend event.

"My parents 50th wedding anniversary is in 4 weeks, and they are having a big family get together over the weekend! BUT CRAP, I can't go, because Guild Wars is having a double XP for skill caps weekend, and I want to get Legendary Skill Hunter!"

They advertise the events. They do so in consistent ways, which are various (log-in screen, official website, fan websites). As I said in my earlier post, they have some kind of event EVERY weekend. I haven't seen a weekend without an event for MONTHS. For me, it has almost always been Tuesday that the log-in screen announcement changes, and I know what to expect that weekend. If I can't make changes in my plans within the 4 days notice I get about an event, my plans are more important than the game anyway.
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Old Jul 12, 2007, 02:04 PM // 14:04   #44
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Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
1) Was there any need to be rude.
Some people/trolls just feel the need to do that.

Originally Posted by freekedoutfish
4) How does it not make sense to just have advertising in-real time ingame. You see posters all the time in shops when xmas, hallowean or easter is coming. How is too much to ask we get some kind of NPC advertising coming festivals or events. Even if its a big poster on a wall ingame saying "this festival is coming".
I've always thought some type of bulletin board in towns and outposts would solve a lot of the, "how/where/what do I's" for events. Everytime someone new pops in, they want to know something you've just explained to someone else.
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Old Jul 12, 2007, 02:25 PM // 14:25   #45
Furnace Stoker
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Originally Posted by MagmaRed
More advanced timing asks a LOT of Anet. First off, they don't always know what the event will be until shortly before it happens. Some evernts are quick and easy for them to implement (triple green weekend, double faction, etc.). Events are there to add to the game, not make the game. It is not a big deal if people miss them, as NONE of the events are required in any way to play the game effectively. Having 3 weeks notice about a 3 day event may be nice for you, so you can make sure you don't leave town or make other plans, but its not needed. Its a game, and I find it moderately sad that people would make changes to their lifestyle plans based on a games weekend event.

"My parents 50th wedding anniversary is in 4 weeks, and they are having a big family get together over the weekend! BUT CRAP, I can't go, because Guild Wars is having a double XP for skill caps weekend, and I want to get Legendary Skill Hunter!"

They advertise the events. They do so in consistent ways, which are various (log-in screen, official website, fan websites). As I said in my earlier post, they have some kind of event EVERY weekend. I haven't seen a weekend without an event for MONTHS. For me, it has almost always been Tuesday that the log-in screen announcement changes, and I know what to expect that weekend. If I can't make changes in my plans within the 4 days notice I get about an event, my plans are more important than the game anyway.
I've played from the start of the game almost, nearly 2 years ago and events were rare then from my memory. I got used to never having to check announcments because they were always just "never give out your passwrd" warnings.

It virtually NEVER changed.

They obviously started doing more and more events, and i've not realised because due to habbit, I ignore the login screen and eventually just bypassed it.

But as I say... isnt that just a sign that they havent made enough effort to make events that well known?

I had no idea weekly events happened, because due to a set frame of mind, I didnt realise to check. I thought events were rare things that Anet made clear to us.

At the least, all I would ask is they put the announcements for events or festivals onto the character selection screen. Your spend ALOT more time there, then you do the login.

Its not somethign you can bypass.
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Old Jul 15, 2007, 03:34 AM // 03:34   #46
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Why not post the announcements as one of the tabs under Party Search?

This would allow auto-password loggers to see all announcements, and would increase how often people use Party Search.

What's not to like?
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Old Jul 16, 2007, 04:07 AM // 04:07   #47
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I could get behind that, Hallomilk. It'd help promote the Party Search, too.
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Old Jul 16, 2007, 12:27 PM // 12:27   #48
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Feb 2007

Wait... what?

Hypothetical Average GW Player does not:
- read the official website
- read the unofficial wiki
- read any of the typically multiple threads pertaining to weekend events on Guru
- peek at any other fansite that generally announces upcoming events
- notice the login screen announcement
- pay attention to guild/alliance/local chat that may reveal clues
- actually log in during the weekend to notice talk of events/visit the "event towns" to check on happenings

And generally does everything else in his/her power to be oblivious of what's going on in the virtual GW universe...

... and then cries "OMG ANET you never tell me these things!"

...? I'm so confused.
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Old Jul 16, 2007, 03:40 PM // 15:40   #49
Furnace Stoker
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Originally Posted by Necrokitty
Wait... what?

Hypothetical Average GW Player does not:
- read the official website
- read the unofficial wiki
- read any of the typically multiple threads pertaining to weekend events on Guru
- peek at any other fansite that generally announces upcoming events
- notice the login screen announcement
- pay attention to guild/alliance/local chat that may reveal clues
- actually log in during the weekend to notice talk of events/visit the "event towns" to check on happenings

And generally does everything else in his/her power to be oblivious of what's going on in the virtual GW universe...

... and then cries "OMG ANET you never tell me these things!"

...? I'm so confused.
People are still missing the point, that events arent advertised until they virtually start! Its all well and good if your around, and at home to notice an event on.

But if you make plans a week or two before hand, and then find out you missed an event because it wasnt advertised until 3 days before, that is Anets fault for not posting these things earlier.

I realise they wip these events up at short notice, but is it too much to create some kind of schedule which they can work to for events, long in advance?


...people bypass the login.
...people dont have guilds or their guilds arent talkative.
...not all cities or towns have huge talks about upcoming events.
...alot of people are busy playing the game to stand around and listen to hours of conversations in town of guild and notice someone mention an event.
...not everyone knows about guildwiki or this website or realises that events are posted on the main website - not everyone is that IT attuned.

...all im asking is

1) Anet put the adverts for events onto the character selet screen, or have a notice board in main cities.
2) Make a schedule for future events, so they know what their doing in more advance time. I work for an IT company and I usually list what work im doing and in what order.

People suggest that the Anet staff must sit around only 3 days before the weekend and think "right what event are we doing at short notice?".

I would have assumed that a big IT company plans their work a bit more efficiently and knows well in advance what work is being done when. How else do you schedule resources and man power and budget?

I would expect "what events are we doing for the next 4 weeks?" and then make a list and start working. We just need that list transfered onto the website or the game somehow as a list of things to come.

Last edited by freekedoutfish; Jul 16, 2007 at 03:50 PM // 15:50..
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